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Showing posts from June, 2023

Receiving CHRIST 3 (At the Center of God’s Will)

As Christians, we don’t box in the air, our commitment and sacrifice are not in vain, they are to a specific course. My academic mentor often tells me, "I know what we are doing". We often sit for long hours, working on something or trying to brainstorm through a situation, or he gives me a task or the other, which may seem too bulky or not so novel. But then he adds we know what we are doing. In my observation, when compared to my peers, there is a significant difference. Other academic mentors will always tell me to stay with him and get all he has to offer. The point is, there is a generic will for which there is an end, and to that end, there are specific wills. Jesus is the topic, in Matthew’s account, there was an event I found interesting.   12 But having heard that John was delivered up, he departed into Galilee: 13 and having left Nazareth, he went and dwelt at Capernaum, which is on the sea-side in the borders of Zabulon and Nepthalim, 14 that that might be

Receiving CHRIST: 2

At the heart of what it means to be a Christian is to receive a new identity. In Jesus, we do not lose our true selves, but we become our true selves only in him.  John Piper An important thing to note about receiving Christ is the direct effect on our identity. When we receive Christ, we embrace his identity and accept his personality as our chosen reality. So as hinted by Paul in Col. 2: 6, I would categorize the mannerism of accepting Christ into three: a.      Understanding the personality of Christ b.      Knowing the identity of Christ and its trickle effect on the receiver, and c.      The traditions of Christ which become the practice (walk) of the receiver.   Beginning with Understanding the personality of Christ: I would like to describe the personality of Christ as those marked things about his life in the flesh. Christ was fully man and authored the life God gives to us men. Following the account of Matthew, we will observe some premium details about the life of Chr